This goes out to all my Nespresso and Keurig lovers. Not to be the pretentious coffee snob 👀 buuttttt the single use pods are pretty shiddy. Even if you recycle your pods (which the majority are not) the taste is usually lackluster and sad.
But this is not me telling you to throw away your current machine, but rather try swapping a few days of the week to a simpler and lower waste option: pour over coffee 🤩
et’s go over a very bare bones version to get you started asap. Here’s a few things you need and need to only purchase once!
1. scale (your baking scale works fine)
2. kettle (just use what you have 🤷🏻♂️)
3. dripper (find a cute one you like)
3. filter cloth (filter paper works too)
1. wet your filter cloth/paper with hot water and warm up your carafe. Dump out the excess water.
2. tare your scale
3.measure 15-20g of ground coffee into your dripper
4. tare your scale
5. use a 1:15 ratio of coffee:water and pour hot water incrementally
(if you’re using 15g of coffee, you will use 225g water)
6. slowly pour the water over all the grounds evenly until you hit your end volume
( this should take about 3 min)
7. swirl you carafe/mug and enjoy your coffee!
🔥 coffee grounds can be added to your home compost, and the filter can be sent to your city compost (always double check) 🔥
Not only is this a great way to actually taste the flavour notes of the beans, but it’s also five minutes in the morning you can take for yourself to slowly ease into your day.
It’s okay to enjoy your Nespresso and Keurig pods, but try switching to a less shiddy brewing method from time to time 🤍